About Us

INHDA is a non-profit organization established with the purpose of spreading the culture of Scotland throughout the Inland Northwest, specifically through Scottish Highland Dancing.

Our goal is to encourage fitness, music, art, and friendship through community events, Scottish dance lessons, Highland competitions, community workshops, and much more. All dance studios under INHDA focus on upholding the goals of the organization and promoting Scottish history and tradition throughout the area.

All Highland dance competitions hosted by the association are open to all registered dancers.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors: INHDA is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of local teachers, parents, and other volunteers. Elections take place annually prior to the end of the fiscal year.

Victoria Hawkins

Kym Corwin

Kasey Hawkins-Peavy

Megan Sargent

Amber Crabtree

Katie Arnold

Thanks to our generous sponsors…

Amber Crabtree

Bitterroot Celtic Society

Buck Knives

CDA Honda

Charbonneau Family

Cindy Hatch Massage


Hawkins Highland Dance

Hawkins Family

Highland X Press

Kasey Hawkins-Peavy

Katie Arnold

Keck Family

Klaw LLC

Lake City Highland Dance

Lilly Family

Megan Sargent

Nelte Family

Pilgrim’s Market

Spokane Highland Games Association

St. Andrew’s Society of the Inland Northwest


Wendle Motors